Beer Page for Joe Bob Crowe

It's beer, beer, beer that makes you want to cheer...

Birra Corvo Recipes

Clicking here will take you to my homebrew recipes, at least the ones I've tried and had good success with. I'm at the point of doing partial grain/extract brewing with Wyeast yeast cultures in a starter. Sometime in 1997, I'd love to start all grain brewing. Ask for a sample sometime....

This kitty loves my hand-crafted Birra Corvo.

If you would like to hear what my feline friend likes to do with my homebrew, just click on her image.

Some other beer related links

Austin Homebrew Supply on the web

This link connects you to the website for Austin Homebrew Supply. The folks at AHB have been around for a long time and since St. Pat's converted to strictly winemaking supplies, AHB is the best game in town. They have always been good folks, and now they have expanded and become much better for supplies.

Spencer's Beer Page

Spencer's Beer page moved from the University of Michigan to and stands as one of the longer-running, more complete beer home pages. It has links to other pages and supports homebrewing more than general beer topics.

Press here to get back to Joe's home page.

Last updated Jan. 15, 2009